about us

Little Robot is a comedy and arts production company based in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Currently running live shows at a number of venues across the North East, their goal is to create memorable, exciting shows by working with venues and partners to create a stronger creative economy in the North East.

Staunchly working class, they bring a passion for making great things happen and a wealth of experience across the arts, culture, business and heritage sectors.

Alongside live shows, Little Robot produce podcasts and audio, run quizzes and other live events, offer mentoring in a variety of creative services around audio production, marketing and audience engagement, offer website building and a whole host of other services massively beneficial to the creative scene around them.

Contact Us

Interested in bringing comedy to your venue, booking a comedian, a quiz, a workshop or want to know more.

Drop us an message and we’ll get back to you or you can email us at